The Paradigms We Face In A Global Pandemic

We are living in a time of unprecedented crisis. Borders of countries and states have closed, people are panicking and disconnecting, and physical distancing is our new norm.  A friend of mine recently pointed out that during this time we as the human race are facing two scenarios, and the one we choose will inform the future of our world.

The first scenario is that we can act and react with fear, an emotion that drives racism, xenophobia, the escalation of social dislocation and the deepening of traditional biases.

The second scenario is that we bank on hope, the opposite of fear. This scenario depends on humanity behaving at its best and most compassionate, committing to a collective coming together across cultures, ideologies and disciplines to use the impending system collapses to create healthier and more positive versions of society, and to invest in upholding our human rights and responsibilities.

The scenario we as individuals and as a collective investment in now will impact how our world looks in the future.  The need for hope, and for strong visionary leadership and resilience could not be greater.

So what does that mean for ordinary people like you and me on a daily basis?

Perhaps the message is we just have to hold ourselves during the low, overwhelming and fearful times, and accept that for some time now we will simply have more questions than answers.  Breathe into it, surrender to the unknown knowing we are all in this together, trust that this will be temporary and believe that silver linings and a lot of good shifts will come from this crisis.  

Things that are already becoming obvious are how much we have become a global community.  People rely on each other - neighbours, friends, colleagues and connections, some as far away as from the other side of the globe.  Through the power of social media and technology, we can keep connected despite the need to physically separate.  We can jump on a Zoom meeting and get work done, log in to FaceTime and check in with family, or call a friend and shed a tear.

Now, more so than ever, we will truly value technology and telecommunications; our health care workers, teachers and front line/first responders; our health and happiness over material possessions; and the importance of our values, purpose and relationships.

So perhaps that's the positive and hopeful legacy of COVID-19? Perhaps this will be the great leveller and corrector. In many ways, the world has been going to hell in a handbasket and maybe, just maybe, this was the global shock the human race needed to stop, take notice, and be forced to live, lead, communicate and exist in a more enlightened, considered and sustainable way.

Perhaps life after COVID-19 will see less greed, less materialism, a re-defining of the concepts of wealth and success, and a narrowing of the social divide, which currently allows people with money and power to prey upon the poor and powerless.

I have the most overwhelming sense that we are living history.  This is more than a 1 in 100-year event, this is something the human race has never had to face on such a global scale, and perhaps this is the true ‘Beautiful Revolution’ I have been writing and speaking about that will ultimately come from this global pandemic.

I have no doubt that from this the people will speak, nature will speak, those with true knowledge and wisdom and vision and values will speak - and our leaders will be forced to listen.


The Necessity To Adapt In Order To Grow


Leading Through A Crisis: A 3 Hour Workshop For Leaders